Monday, July 21, 2008

what's in your suitcase?

today's blog prompt from my freedom is what you think is necessary to pack for a trip. this is hilarious to me. i am a terrible traveler. what with my germ problem, fear of creepy crawlies, and fear of getting lost, i practically take my entire house with me! i always take my own pillow. gotta have that. i always pack extra clothes because you never know when you might have an accident where you get wet or spills or falls, you name it. i always take extra books, because i run out of things to read quickly. always take a crossword puzzle book and several pencils, spare shoes, a bag for dirty clothes, and usually some knitting. as you can imagine, my suitcase is always heavy, or i take too many. in the winter, i usually arrive at my hotel then hit a walmart or local store where i can buy a new blanket to sleep with. yep, can't use the blankets in hotels. sigh. and don't get me started on essentials such as toothpaste, shampoo, etc. gotta take full amounts cuz you can't take a chance in running out. i am not a fun traveler. but my dh is very patient with me and even helps by letting me use some of his space. my dream way to travel will be when we get our rv. all my own stuff. never a fear of germs, or running out and best of all, my own library. so i guess you could say my suitcase will actually be a vehicle (rv). lol!

ps it is ok to laugh at me. i know i am silly. just the freakyness of living as me!

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